
Sunday, September 9, 2012

making time for loved ones

People you love aren't always going to be around. But we sometimes forget this as we busy ourselves with the "important" things in life. Sometimes this awareness can become acute, forcing you to reconsider what really is important. I remember many years ago, I had a favorite "great aunt," who I would visit from time to time. I had been meaning to go visit her but kept postponing the trip, until one day, my grandmother told me that my dear aunt had died unexpectedly. I was devastated. It's not always easy to make time in our "busy" lives doing "important" things,but if we don't, the opportunity to spend time with people we love may slip away. Reassessing priorities in life ought to be done on a regular basis... Failure to do so may result not only in lasting regret but an impoverishment of daily existence.

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